Spirituality & The Brain (Home Page)
Todd Murphy Curriculum Vitae
Laurentian University Behavioral Neurosciences Program (Associate Researcher)
Murphy, Todd “Recreating Near-Death Experiences: A Cognitive Approach” Journal of Near-Death Studies, 1998, Volume 17, Number 4, Pages 261-265
Murphy, Todd “Near-Death Experiences in Thailand” Journal of Near-Death Studies, 2000, Volume 19, Number 3, Pages 161-178
Murphy T, Persinger MA. “Complex partial epileptic-like experiences in university students and practitioners of Dharmakaya in Thailand: comparison with Canadian university students.” Psychology Reports. 2001 Aug;89(1):199-206.
2000 – Developed the “Shakti Helmet” applying two magnetic signals to the two hemispheres of the brain over the temporal, frontal and parietal planes. Discontinued in favor of the 8 Coil Shakti System
Murphy, Todd “The Structure and Function of Near-Death Experiences: An Algorithmic Reincarnation Hypothesis” Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol. 20 No. 2, Winter 2001 (link)
2003 – Developed the 2 coil Shakti system, applying multiple static signals over several brain areas.
2004 – Developed the 4 coil Shakti system, applying multiple signals both dynamically and in sequence over several brain areas.
2005 – Developed the 8 Coil Shakti, an approximation of the Koren Helmet.
Murphy, Todd “Commentary on “Nondualistic Experiences of Light in Near-Death Experiences and in The Tibetan Book of the Dead” Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol. 25 No. 1, Fall 2006
2007 – Developed the Shiva Neural Stimulation system, reproducing the “Octopus” apparatus, applying magnetic signals in a circumcerebral configuration.
Murphy, Todd “Six Lecture on Neurotheology” (nine hours) Youtube, 2008
2009 – Developed the “God Helmet” neural system, reproducing the Koren Helmet, applying complex magnetic signals in rotating patterns over the temporal lobes.
Murphy, Todd “The production of consciousness out of states of consciousness” Activitas Nervosa Superior, Vol 51, No 3 (2009)
Persinger, Michael, Saroka, Kevin, Mulligan Bryce P, Murphy Todd R, “Experimental Elicitation of an Out of Body Experience and Concomitant Cross-Hemispheric Electroencephalographic Coherence“. Neuroquantology 2010; Vol 8: Issue 4, NeuroTheology Special Issue
Todd R. Murphy “The Role of Religious and Mystic Experiences In Human Evolution: A Corollary Hypothesis for NeuroTheology“. Neuroquantology 2010; Vol 8: Issue 4, NeuroTheology Special Issue
Murphy, Todd “Sacred Pathways: The Brain’s Role In Religious and Mystic Experiences”, 2013 (eBook)
Murphy, Todd “Sacred Pathways: The Brain’s Role In Religious and Mystic Experiences” (second edition), 2015
Persinger, Michael A., and Todd R. Murphy. “Validating New Technologies to Treat Depression, Pain and the Feeling of Sentient Beings: A Reply to “Neuroscience for the Soul”.” Neuroscience & Medicine 7.01 (2016): 27.
Murphy, Todd “Deja Vu and other Spiritual Gifts“, 2017 (Book)
Murphy, Todd “The God Helmet Experiments: The Science that found God in the Human Brain“, 2019 (Book) (link)
Murphy, Todd “Solving the “Hard Problem”: Consciousness as an Intrinsic Property of Magnetic Fields” Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 10(8)646-659
Other Pages On This Site:
The God Helmet | Shiva Psychic Technology
Shakti – Magnetic Brain Stimulation
Inventing Shakti
Stimulating My Brain As A Spiritual Path
Origins of spirituality in Human Evolution
Role of Mystics and mysticism in Human Evolution.
The Gay Male Brain in human evolution
The Evolution of Human Belief in God
Consciousness | Darwinian Reincarnation
Articles on neurotheology, (or – spirituality and religion meet brain science).
Enlightenment And the Brain
Deja Vu | Meditations from Brain Science
Romantic Love and the Brain
The Sensed Presence | God in the Brain
Spiritual Aptitude Test | Sacred Lands
The Spiritual Personality | Archetypes
Out-Of-Body Experiences | Visions
Odd Experiences – Online Poll Results
Podcasts on Neurotheology
Different spiritual practices have different effects on the brain.
NDEs in Thailand – Discussion | Thai NDE Case histories
Darwinian Reincarnation
Near-Death Experience Screensaver (Entering the Light).
Epilepsy And Near-Death Experiences
Glasses For Enhanced Visual Acuity
A Diet For Epileptics?
Sex & States of Consciousness
Hippocrates on Epilepsy
The Terrorist Brain