Karmu’s Obituary
Karmu’s Obituary Reproduced under the fair use act. Click to view larger image.
Karmu’s Obituary Reproduced under the fair use act. Click to view larger image.
FIRST KARMU KUMBHA MELA (Festival) Thursday June 23rd-Sunday June 26th, 2005 Musings by Caroline Lato Main page for Karmu. Interview about Karmu: “The Black Christ of Cambridge“. Hello Saints and Sinners, Friends and Relations. A big HELLO to all of you! On Sunday, the final day of the First Karmu Kumbha Mela we gathered at […]
“There is one less hungry dog in the world this day” Karmu’s Medicines Compliments: “You will be in perfect health, free of pain, with zook and wook, with 18 movie stars caressing your toenails. As you heal, you’ll regain all you lost and have extra to give away. You’ll be organically high, sparkling with health […]
“There is one less hungry dog in the world this day” Ricardo Frazer’s interview with Karmu. Ricardo Frazer is the author of “Psychological Wellness and Holistic Health Care: The Karmu System“. Radio interview about Karmu: “The Black Christ of Cambridge“.
KARMU, HEALER Edgar Warner. 1910 – 1989 The Holy One of Cambridge, Mass. Click on any image to see a larger version (opens in new window) Karmu died of Leukemia in 1989 after taking on the illnesses of over 20,000 people. He was 79 years old. “How can we lose with the system we use?” […]
KARMU PICTURE GALLERY How can we lose with the system we use? Click on any of the images to enlarge it (opens in a new Window). “There is one less hungry dog in the world this day”.“ This picture was taken at a wedding Karmu performed. He was having his dinner and Girl (the beagle) […]