Thanks are due to the late Dr. Michael Persinger for his extensive help.
Persinger’s Endorsement.
The God Helmet ®, part of the Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Phone:(855) 408-7888
Upgrading the God Helmet

Persinger’s Endorsement.
The God Helmet ®, part of the Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Phone:(855) 408-7888
One way to get more out of your (Shiva) God Helmet is to use all 16 coils, with two coils for each channel, setting the coils so that they all face the head in the same way (like polarities) on each side, repelling the fields further from the coils, and deeper in the brain.
The fields run deeper with Both Coils placed for like polarities.
This will push the fields deeper into the head, allowing them more direct interaction with the deeper, limbic structures.
NOTE: This is an experimental layout for the God Helmet coils. Putting two positive coils next to each other has been used extensively with the Shiva Neural Stimulation System, and with some Shakti System users (where it was reported to be a significant improvement). It’s new a new procedure for the Shiva System’s God Helmet configuration.
~ The Shiva System comes with 16 coils.
~ Begin using 16 coil God Helmet sessions with a 50% volume setting, and shorter (two-phase) sessions.
~ Do not repeat these enhanced sessions more often than once a week.
~ Do not begin using 16 coil God Helmet sessions with sessions warned to have possible negative effects, especially those that begin with the “Chirp” signal over the right side.
~ Use at your own risk.
~ Begin using 16 coil God Helmet sessions with a 50% volume setting, and shorter (two-phase) sessions.
~ As with any Shiva God Helmet session, If a negative effect appears in the first phase, use the abort button to go to the second segment immediately. If a negative effect appears in the second segment, stop the session. Please report any negative effects.
Please look at the pictures below to see how to set up Shiva God Helmet session with 16 coils.
The Coil Polarities should follow the illustrations for each session.
The Shiva Neural Stimulation System is
$649.00 Plus Shipping
(Shipping – $20.00 in the USA & $40.00 for all other countries)
NOTE: The God Helmet is one of the Configurations for The Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Contact us.
In the USA and Canada, you can order by calling 24/7 (Toll-Free)
(855) 408-7888
Read the Terms and Conditions before you call.
Legal: God Helmet Stimulation signals are based on the God Helmet signal templates licensed by Stan Koren and Dr. Michael A. Persinger.
The Shiva System and (it’s sibling technology), the God Helmet does not prevent, diagnose or treat any medical disorders.
The God Helmet Experiments (Book)
Gaia.com article on the God Helmet.
Review article by Dr. Michael Persinger:
Experimental simulation of the God Experience using the God Helmet
THE GOD HELMET is a trademark (serial number of 90072427).