Thanks are due to the late Dr. Michael Persinger for his extensive help.
Persinger’s Endorsement.
The God Helmet ®, part of the Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Phone:(855) 408-7888
Using the geomagnetic field for successful God Helmet Sessions.

Persinger’s Endorsement.
The God Helmet ®, part of the Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Phone:(855) 408-7888
The best times are when the geomagnetic field is quiet, and that’s a very common state. You can see the present geomagnetic state at the bottom of this page. Sessions during geomagnetic storms are often less effective. There’s more detailed information about this in the god Helmet software.
Each column represents a three-hour period, and the one furthest to the right shows the present time. The animated picture shows a K value of one.
This picture below shows a current level of zero (all the way on the right side).
Click HERE to see the image up close.
Green is quiet. Yellow is “unsettled”. Red means a magnetic storm is happening.
Click Here to View the Current Geomagnetic State
NOTE: Like any other Internet service, this is down from time to time. Down times for this site are rare, and usually end within a few hours.
Present Geomagnetic Field State:
What it means:
Quiet: the Geomagnetic Field is quiet (K < 4)
Active: the Geomagnetic Field has been unsettled (K = 4)
Storm: A Geomagnetic Storm has occurred (K >4)
Another way to “Tweak” God Helmet is to do sessions at the maximum volume. This may be too much more sensitive people, but several God Helmet users have reported enhanced effects setting their volume to 92%. It’s not suggested that you begin this way, so if you want to explore this, increase your volume in increments of 1/3 with each session.
Current Geomagnetic Field State:
(Click to see close-up)
An alternate source for real-time Geomagnetic information.
The Shiva Neural Stimulation System is
$649.00 Plus Shipping
(Shipping – $20.00 in the USA & $40.00 for all other countries)
NOTE: The God Helmet is one of the Configurations for The Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Contact us.
In the USA and Canada, you can order by calling 24/7 (Toll-Free)
(855) 408-7888
Read the Terms and Conditions before you call.
Legal: God Helmet Stimulation signals are based on the God Helmet signal templates licensed by Stan Koren and Dr. Michael A. Persinger.
The Shiva System and (it’s sibling technology), the God Helmet does not prevent, diagnose or treat any medical disorders.
The God Helmet Experiments (Book)
Gaia.com article on the God Helmet.
Review article by Dr. Michael Persinger:
Experimental simulation of the God Experience using the God Helmet
THE GOD HELMET is a trademark (serial number of 90072427).