Thanks are due to the late Dr. Michael Persinger for his extensive help.
Persinger’s Endorsement.
The God Helmet ®, part of the Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Phone:(855) 408-7888
The God Helmet is a safe technology, but there are a few basic safety rules.

Persinger’s Endorsement.
The God Helmet ®, part of the Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Phone:(855) 408-7888
Don’t do sessions more than once a week, even if a session (like sessions that weren’t set up correctly) had little effect.
After six sessions, stop for 21 days.
Contact us here if you have any questions.
If you’re ambidextrous, be aware of any unpleasant effects in the second phase of the sessions. If they occur, stop the session, and begin a one that ends with a different signal. “Abort” the first phase of that session, and move straight to the second phase.
You can also do a session over the frontal lobes to stop the temporal lobe activation God Helmet sessions create.
The signals used in Shiva God Helmet have been extensively tested with both laboratory rats and humans. The signals are embedded in magnetic fields about as strong as the ones that appear around telephone handsets (not cell phones), or a hair dryer. These signals can not cause lesions, DNA damage, induce seizures, or any other kind of neural damage. Signals like these have been in laboratory use (including monitoring safety issues) for over twenty years, and have been experienced by thousands of people. Hundreds of people have used home versions of Shakti without ill-effects just by following the safety rules.
1) Don’t use The God Helmet at the same time as other mind-machines, including the kind that use flashing lights and/or binaural sounds. Uncomfortable effects have appeared that way. Using complex magnetic devices (like the God Helmet or the Shiva Neural System) first, and then another mind machine about an hour to 90 minutes after the end of the session has generated reports where the second device’s effects were amplified.
2) Don’t use The God Helmet in combination with mind-altering drugs. Legal psychotropics are more safely combined with Shiva by using them after, and not before or during Shiva sessions. The use of illegal drugs is not condoned.
3) Don’t use The God Helmet if you have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, as the effects of Shiva on psychiatric disorders, be they positive, negative or neutral, have not been studied. Don’t use Shiva if you have migraine headaches, epilepsy or have a damaged or compromised brain. The effects of Shiva on these conditions, be they positive, negative, or neutral, have not been studied.
4) Don’t use The God Helmet if you are using psychiatric medications. The interactions of Shiva with these compounds, be they positive, negative or neutral, have not been studied.
5) If a session (especially in its second phase) doesn’t feel good for you, don’t repeat it.
6) Make sure your coils are set up properly by running the setup session, listening to the signals using a pair of headphones when setting up your hardware. Set up your The God Helmet system with the coils as shown in the software. This is for both effectiveness and safety.
7) Don’t experiment with new arrangements for the coils.
8) Don’t use any other kind of coils or replace them with other electronic parts.
9) Don’t do sessions more often than once a week, even if the session had little effect. This applies to all Shiva sessions, and not just the God Helmet sessions.
10) The research that culminated in the development of The God Helmet has also uncovered ways to stop effects created through complex magnetic signal stimulation (especially those that come from using it too often, in violation of the schedule). Because it’s easy to do so, a signal is included that will let you do this. Click here to learn more about this signal. It’s not likely that you’ll need to use it, and it’s suggested that you contact tech support before doing so.
11) Don’t change sessions each time you use it. Try each session two or three times before you move on to the next one.
The Shiva Neural Stimulation System is
$649.00 Plus Shipping
(Shipping – $20.00 in the USA & $40.00 for all other countries)
NOTE: The God Helmet is one of the Configurations for The Shiva Neural Stimulation System.
Contact us.
In the USA and Canada, you can order by calling 24/7 (Toll-Free)
(855) 408-7888
Read the Terms and Conditions before you call.
Legal: God Helmet Stimulation signals are based on the God Helmet signal templates licensed by Stan Koren and Dr. Michael A. Persinger.
The Shiva System and (it’s sibling technology), the God Helmet does not prevent, diagnose or treat any medical disorders.
The God Helmet Experiments (Book)
Gaia.com article on the God Helmet.
Review article by Dr. Michael Persinger:
Experimental simulation of the God Experience using the God Helmet
THE GOD HELMET is a trademark (serial number of 90072427).