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Endorsement for The (Shiva) God Helmet, The Shiva System, and The Shakti System from Dr. Michael A. Persinger
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Publications listed on PubMed (only shows abstracts and summaries)
Quote: “There have been occasional questions concerning the origins and similarities of the “God Helmet” technology and applications created by Stanley Koren and myself and those developed by Todd Murphy. This letter is to clarify any ambiguity. Todd Murphy’s Shiva Neural Stimulation System’s God Helmet is a faithful reproduction of our laboratory apparatus. In addition, The Shakti System is a viable alternative that accurately renders our signals and performs the stimulation. (…)
I heartily endorse Todd Murphy’s Shiva Neural System’s God Helmet and Basic Shiva System. They are the only magnetic stimulation systems originating from our equipment, concepts and theories. We have demonstrated the equivalence between Todd Murphy’s and our equipment by informal and formal experiments, some of which are published in the scientific literature. The inventor of these Systems, Todd Murphy, was a member of the Laurentian University Neuroscience Research Group while he was creating and developing these devices, and he continues to be a senior member today.”
Signed, Dr. Michael A. Persinger
Dated June 3rd. 2015
Full Professor, Biomolecular Sciences and Human Studies Programs.
Departments of Psychology and Biology
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Other Pages On This Site:
The God Helmet | Shiva Psychic Technology
Shakti – Magnetic Brain Stimulation
Inventing Shakti
Stimulating My Brain As A Spiritual Path
Origins of spirituality in Human Evolution
Role of Mystics and mysticism in Human Evolution.
The Gay Male Brain in human evolution
The Evolution of Human Belief in God
Consciousness | Darwinian Reincarnation
Articles on neurotheology, (or – spirituality and religion meet brain science).
Enlightenment And the Brain
Deja Vu | Meditations from Brain Science
Romantic Love and the Brain
The Sensed Presence | God in the Brain
Spiritual Aptitude Test | Sacred Lands
The Spiritual Personality | Archetypes
Out-Of-Body Experiences | Visions
Odd Experiences – Online Poll Results
Podcasts on Neurotheology
Different spiritual practices have different effects on the brain.
NDEs in Thailand – Discussion | Thai NDE Case histories
Darwinian Reincarnation
Near-Death Experience Screensaver (Entering the Light).
Epilepsy And Near-Death Experiences
Glasses For Enhanced Visual Acuity
A Diet For Epileptics?
Sex & States of Consciousness
Hippocrates on Epilepsy
The Terrorist Brain