

The Neuromagnetic Signal Generator.

Shakti does not diagnose or treat Medical disorders.

Shakti Reports

The reports on this page are all in Shakti user's the own words. I've corrected for spelling, of course, but otherwise these are original, raw, reports of successful sessions.

This information is not here so that you can guess what your Shakti Experience will be like. Rather, it's offered so you can see that Shakti produces a wide range of effects.

About ten minutes in I suddenly had an hallucination where I had been
projected to the year 2066 (that impression of the year was very
strong.) I seen the cars, homes and people. This lasted only a fraction
of a second, yet it seemed that I had looked at each of these items very carefully (as if I had only sensed this view for only a fraction of a
second in my current time frame, but had spent several minutes looking
around in *that* time frame.).....

Near the end of the session, I had another hallucination where I was in
an open space and seen thousands of very small colored lights. (Like
Christmas tree lights.) They were in random motion, and I had the
impression that I was 'going with the flow'. This also lasted only a
flash of a second. No other details that I can remember other than the
colors seemed to appeal to me.

Just to give you an update: I am nearing the end of my 4th 6 wk session
and feel like more of a person than I have been since I was a young
child !!!

Also, THANK YOU for keeping me up to date with all the new waveform CD's, they are a real help and I can certainly tell subtle differences in their effects
on me.

I have been using the 30 minute reverse sessions every week. I missed last weeks' session and noticed that my confidence and general happiness peaked around days 9 and 10. I'm going to wait until day 14 before using Shakti again and then wait to see what happens 10 days later.
...... after the last session "left to the left" I felt unusually calm. And when finally I was in bed and closed my eyes, I had the impression that my feet are on the pillow and my head is where my feet should be, that I am in reversed position. I was surprised and opened my eyes. But everything was normal. So I closed my eyes, and again was the same feeling, my "body" was in reversed position.
It was amusing for me and I felt asleep with smile on my face.

Today I feel very calm. And whenever I feel tired a little bit I feel a sort of throbbing in my head. This is pleasant.


I did the one hour session almost immediately after receiving your email on Monday night / early Tuesday morning. Overall, it went really well.
I did experience a significantly greater sense of 'locking in' (that
would be the best way I could describe it), than I had previously been
experiencing with my 30 minutes sessions.

So I went ahead and listened (or should I say sat) for a 1/2 hour. Nothing seemed different to me in any way. When the time was up I went about my business as usual. As I was about to go to sleep I thought "I feel more self-confident somehow - more able to do". The next morning I awoke very early and was thinking about the self confidence and thought that on a scale of 1 to 10 - 10 being the highest I probably felt like a 4. In the past I would have said I was probably a 1 or 1. The more I thought about the self-confidence I realized it was just a broad feeling of self-confidence but more specific it had to do with thinking I could get what I wanted. Now if you'd asked me more specifically what my rating was on the scale for confidence in my ability to get what I wanted I would have said it was "0". How about that?
Very good. I experienced a subtle depth to the feelings and thoughts I've had in the past related to self and spiritual dispositions. Nothing new, just an impression that these thoughts and feelings are more vibrant, alive, strong and that they come with a sense of long lasting (into the future) continuity. Pre Shakti, anytime I experienced anything positive it came with the feeling of being a transient experience and that it wouldn't last, now I not only feel it will last, but definitely expect it to do so and feel an assertive stance when doubt or negative predictive thought happens that "it is sure to end" and can easily throw off those thoughts and replace them with the positively expectant ones.
Session 6 - tried 45 minutes at 15 milligauss. Wow !! ...

"open" quality to inner visions. Feelings of empowerment. Could feel my brain being "worked on". Hot peppery sensation on top of my head where solenoids sit.

Later, vivid memories triggered by smells, air temperature, bonfire smoke -this is unusual for me.

Next day, vivid memories continued to be triggered by above (all pleasant). At some point the hot peppery sensation returned to the top of my head. The mellow Shakti moments returned. There has been some irritability but this could just be the hot weather we're experiencing in England at the moment (yes, we do get some!).

I have one more session to go before my three week break. I intend to stay at 45 minutes/15 milligauss. as I feel I'm getting somewhere.

>Oh, I did do the session yesterday afternoon. The closed eye visuals lasted about an hour and a half. Most intense I'd say around 45 minutes and gradually becoming less pronounced. (Shakti 5)
The next day I was mindful of what I've read about Shakti. However, my mood was upbeat and I felt unusually energized. Whether this was the effect of Shakti or just self -deception I can't say.
I'm taking a bunch of notes every day which I will share
with you when my first 6 weeks are over, but I must tell
you that am really impressed by my attention span lately.
it's like normally when am talking to people within a
group am usually very self conscious so it's hard to keep
my attention focused on the subject at hand, but lately
it's been easier to focus on the subject rather than on
what Mr. Jones or Mrs. Jones is thinking about me when I
speak. very exciting!

I spray painted Shakti yesterday and now it matches
the color of my computer where it sits on the top of my


Used default Shakti setup.
Session 1- 60 Min disc (One Session Experience)
Volume levels - Master Vol=4.2 ; CD Volume=max
Setup tests started at 10.30pm
Eyes, ears covered.

I started by clearing the mind.
After short period of time the sensation was of another sense being active. This can only be described as if I was sensing objects and their environment in a 3D space - different to anything experienced before. It was very natural and comfortable. The attributes of colour and sound do not exist. The most prominent attribute was the ability to accurately spatial pinpoint/locate/identify objects. I would consider this to be more accurate than my ability to spatially position an object in 3D space with vision. I observed a fuzziness around an object (I need to investigate this further - as to what it is), however, this didn't cloud the ability to identify it.
Drifted into sleep state during session.
Suddenly the awareness was there that the session has ended (I woke up). Then looking at the time - just over an hour (+- 62 min) had elapsed.
How do I feel? Feeling fine, recollected some thoughts. The only physical sensation was right at the top of the head.
Need to investigate this spatial perception sense as to what it is.

Prepared for sleep.
Later that night (during sleep): OBE experience:
I was suddenly aware that I was out of my body. At this point I thought it was too much effort to project to a meaningful experience (like what now? and I couldn't think of something) and I snapped back to my body.

During this period, my anxious and depressive state has gradually improved. My sentiment of a negative "self - esteem" has decreased. The third week hasbeen very good. During the former, I have observed a development of a sentiment that I will call "already - lived" ("déjà-vécu"). This is not the "déjà-vu", but it is probably very close. Indeed, to the opportunity of a melody, an image, an picture, and so on, returned me memories strong precise especially ancient dreams and situations lived in the past that me had particularly marked. I believed to have forgotten them, but they were again well there. Therefore, a sentiment of "familiarity", "known" or "recognized". What was especially knocked, it was the sentiment to be dived in a "atmosphere" very strong and particular that was characteristic of this bit of memory. Very interesting, and agreeable. Sentiment of a positive way.
At ten minutes I felt and saw certain aspects of "self" in
indescribable ways. At 35 minutes I dosed off. At 50 minutes I was
awakened by the visual and physical sensation of being jolted at four
to five times per second. This sensation appeared slightly to my left
and was shortly lived because my cat jumped on my stomach and
disrupted the whole thing. That darn cat! (Caudate Nuclear Wave Form)

Definitely subtle but I certainly am more 'present' in the Now
lately and consequently feeling often very expanded and relaxed.

First 'd like to let you know my wife doesn't know about
Shakti I don't think she would understand. But I had to let you know that
because during the weekend my wife kept asking me if something was wrong remember I'm type-A pretty hyper and like to always be doing something and talking a lot. But I was very relaxed and just into thinking I assured hereverything was ok that I was just thinking and relaxing. Another note is I stay up very late my normal bedtime is around 1 to 3 am. This is something else that has gone weird since Friday I have been going to bed At about 10 to 10:30pm Again my wife is wondering what is going on since she always goes to bed alone due to her going to bed early around 10 PM I call it early. And on last thing to keep from boring you to death I have not been much on dreaming while asleep. As to date I have been having very vivid dreams.

Whereas before, even though I was
acutely perceptive much of the dynamic interplay in social situations, I was apparently very consumed with too many self-critical thought processes ("do they notice me?", "what should I say now?" etc.), almost totally ruling out my responding in certain situations from a place of detached, unencumbered personal authority.
Now, however, it seems I can be a bit more co-participatory in those same social situations where previously I unconsciously took in too much, and would subsequently react from feeling 'over-immersed' in erroneous self-critical thought processes pertaining to the dynamics of that given situation. Friends apparently feel the change, and I believe some feel more comfortable around me,whereas others tend to repel my personal authority.

I have been using the 30 minute reverse sessions every week. I missed last weeks' session and noticed that my confidence and general happiness peaked around days 9 and 10. I'm going to wait until day 14 before using Shakti again and then wait to see what happens 10 days later.

Today was day 10 and I have had an astoundingly brilliant day!! Again I'm going to wait until day 14 before my next session and then see what happens 10 days after that. I might be onto something. I'll let you know.

My experiments with Shakti have been marked by three main themes: honesty and clarity in introspection and a very mysterious feeling of the divine....

....there is a beautiful calm that brings an incredible clarity:

1. how quickly I was to respond in the socially acceptable ways rather than express my true feelings during our conversation. In fact, I don't even think I took the time to think about the questions I was posed. Instead I just spouted back the answers I thought they wanted, thus keeping everything safe and distant.

2. For the last few years, or since my drug use, I have been unable to keep my mind in the present tense. I would fill myself with bad emotional memories that would literally cripple my speech, my thought processes and my overall ability to function on a social level. After this would occur, the painful reminder that I was the one doing this to myself hurt even more than the incidents. But I wasn't able to stop it.

3. I was focused and my past did not creep into my present like I had so often allowed it before. I was attentive rather than distracted. The constant notion that someone might be analyzing me, thinking ill of me and seeing my weaknesses was something I was able to choose whether or not to buy in to; rather than being the powerless detached viewer of my own actions.

4. When feeling alone, it's hard for me not to grasp for the comfort of another's companionship and acceptance. Therefore it's easy to be less critical of those whom I confide in, and what's more, it's easier to compromise my own beliefs to accommodate another's.

5. The ego is very smart and deceptive, but the funny thing is when you stop listening and go with your heart's intent people respect you even more and there is a communion that isn't found when the ego is present.

I must say that during the break down and rebuilding of values during Shakti's middle weeks my thoughts were either much closer or much more distant than I am accustomed to. Because of this I am normally slightly wrapped up in the either or feelings of my mind. After Shakti's middle weeks, however, (this is also before because I am repeating the cycle after a three week rest) I do regain a sense of balance that brings with it a very mysterious and beautiful feeling of divine presence:

1. things have been getting a little more interesting lately.

2. as I was waking up I began to feel several ghosts in the room with me.

3. I have been getting a sense of others being present at times

4. It's not been a paranoid feeling of others being present though, I don't feel threatened by the presence, it's almost as if it's playful.

5. my outer and inner world are becoming more and more alike.

6. similar to the feeling of coincidence so often described recently in the new age movement, yet different in the slightest way. It is as though the coincidences don't take more than a few minutes or even seconds some times to happen. Or maybe a better way to put it, is that the outside world has started echoing my inside world; and extremely fast.

General and specific effects in no particular order:

1. Increased optimism -- a sense of more attractive opportunities present for me in everyday life.

2. Increased tolerance to psychological/emotional stress -- an exception to
this is that it is sometimes more difficult to be around some 'negative' people.

3. Less tendency to get stuck in a cycle of worry -- you know, when you can't seem to let go of a problem.

4. Increased short-term and long-term memory.

5. A sense of newness/discovery in everyday things.

6. Increased tendency to face (rather than avoid) personal problems.

7. More mental energy.

8. Enhanced visual acuity -- the 3D effect.

9. Increased appreciation of music -- I even find myself enjoying AM radio.

10. Improved sense of smell.

11. Improved fluency in both Japanese and English.

12. More tolerance for my three-year-old even when I'm tired at the end of the day.

13. More fun playing with the dog.

14. Better ability to hold onto a chain of thought; i.e., less of a tendency to stop when I'm speaking and say, "Now what was I talking about?"

15. The daily crossword is easier to solve.

My overall attitude concerning the effects of the first series is "Give me more!" I'd love for these effects to increase in degree and then stick with me.
I'm looking forward to the next series.

Online testimonial