Evidence of Psychic Perception from University Brain Lab.

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Magnetic Stimulation and Psychic Skills – The Evidence

Note: This technology is called “circumcerebral” stimulation In scientific journal articles, and was referred to as “The Octopus” by those who worked with it in the laboratory.

As you read over these research reports, it’s important to bear a few things in mind. One of them is that the subjects were not psychics, and weren’t trying to become psychic. The jobs they were given to do during the experiments were intended to increase the kind of connectivity that appears between people so that, in one example, a mother can instinctively “know” when something is wrong with one of her children, even though they might live far away.

In one of the studies, people were asked to look at pictures and to guess at what kind of thoughts and memories these pictures might have inspired in another person. Real psychic work, that involves the practitioner “tuning in” to something, was not attempted. This isn’t because the researchers didn’t believe that such things were possible. It was because they were looking for evidence in normal people (not professional psychics) in order to uncover the neural processes that support psychic perception.

One day, research using this kind of technology will probably be done with practicing psychics, so that psychics can use their own skills, instead of being assigned specific tasks by the experimenters. Even without such studies, these research papers show that psychic experience and perception has a clear neural basis.

We can expect the technology that helped create this breakthrough in the science of paranormal perception to produce far more striking insights and intuitions for people who use it with psychic perception in mind than it did for the research volunteers, who made no conscious effort to experience anything psychic.

The subjects didn’t know the true purpose of the experiment.  In this sense, the research was “blind”. That made the results more certain, but not quite as useful for emerging psychics as it was for the laboratory technicians, who were focused on scientific method. We have some practical help for people learning psychic skills.

Let’s begin with an informal report from Paul Devereux, published in The Fortean Times.

“When he tried it, the present writer found he was able to identify a photograph “without any obvious communication” that someone else was looking at in another room.”

“Particularly interesting was the way the remote information was “received”: it was a non-visual impression that had to be deciphered by the logical, linguistic part of the brain. When a psychologist colleague of the writer’s later tested the device at his request, the same positive results were obtained “she described the nature of the received information as being ‘aconceptual‘ (without thoughts based on any concepts – author)”.

(with some commentary).

Persinger MA, Roll WG, Tiller SG, Koren SA, Cook CM.Remote viewing with the artist Ingo Swann: neuropsychological profile, electroencephalographic correlates, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and possible mechanisms.” Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2002 Jun;94(3 Pt 1):927-49.

Ingo Swann, a remote viewer once employed by government agencies who weren’t specifically named in the research paper, participated in his series of neurological tests with Dr. Michael Persinger, and the other authors of this paper. Two experiments were done with remote viewing. The first experiment was done by putting 16 pictures and four objects into manila envelopes. They were selected by a person who had never met Ingo Swann and who had no other role in the experiment. They were told to select pictures with strong emotional themes. After the objects and pictures were selected they were divided into groups of six. Several rooms away, a researcher took out one of the envelopes and put it on a table. He oriented the envelope the way Ingo Swann had asked, and the research paper even gives the size of the table (8,100 cm).

After being told when a picture was on the table, Ingo Swann would remote view it. Sitting with a sketch pad, he would draw the images that came to him, and then he would ask for another picture.

In the second experiment, of Ingo Swann remote viewed a pair of the researchers who had been given two pictures, randomly selected from a group of nine, all of which depicted places in and around the city where the research took place (Sudbury, Ontario). Once they had arrived at two locations, the researchers “observed” the place for 15 minutes.

As in the first experiment, Ingo Swann made drawings as he remotely viewed the two researchers. A group of a 44 undergraduate students, who knew nothing about the experiment, were given the job of rating the similarities between the drawings and the pictures of the places as well as the drawings of the pictures and objects – the ones in the manila envelopes. They also rated the similarity between the content of Swann’s drawings and photographs of the places the researchers had visited. In addition, they also rated the similarities between the emotional connotations of the words Ingo Swann used, and the mood of the photos. A picture of a tornado, for example could be called dark and threatening, but not warm and cuddly.

While this was going on, he also received neural stimulation using the “octopus”, as well as EEG monitoring.

Of the three different parameters used for the signal, one using a “chirp” sequence (used in the “Persinger Session” for the Shiva System) was found to be the most effective in creating markedly altered states for Mr. Swann. One of them induced an out-of-body experience, or an experience that was very much like one. Another caused all of his inner mental images to be suppressed, which he found to be quite refreshing. Another one was accompanied by remote viewing, in one instance the skeletons of three researchers in the next room.

After studying the pictures and the reports, the 44 students each submitted their ratings. There was a clear 7 Hz “spiking and slow wave” pattern from the occipital lobes when Ingo Swann was drawing the pictures that matched the photographs and locations most accurately.

Ingo Swann in the lab with Dr. Michael Persinger, 2002.  Image provided by Don Hill.  Use by Permission of Dr. Michael Persinger.

The 7 Hz component of his EEG readings probably derives from deeper structures, most likely the hippocampus, and is more likely to be generated from the right hemisphere than the left. If this result applies to all remote viewers, then a neural basis will have been discovered for the phenomenon of remote viewing.  It’s not enough sufficient to explain all the details of remote viewing, but it’s enough to show that it has a neurological basis.

This research paper also has an extended discussion about the possible physical basis for remote viewing, and suggested that the earth’s magnetic field provides the basis for it.

Persinger MA, Cook CM, Tiller SC. “Enhancement of images of possible memories of others during exposure to circumcerebral magnetic fields: correlations with ambient geomagnetic activity.” Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2002 Oct;95(2):531-43

This experiment used nine pairs of volunteers who were all intimately related. Five of these were mothers and daughters, one was brother and sister, one was a pair of twins, and two were married couples. Each pair of volunteers were tested on a different day. The pairs were divided into two – a stimulus and a response person. The response person was the one who got the magnetic stimulation using the octopus, and the stimulus person was in another room being shown one of five postcards, picked at random.

The response person was always the younger, and when the two had different genders, it was the woman. This was done because earlier research had suggested that overall, women are more receptive to psi phenomena than men are.

The experiment used two signals, with six different “timings” used (how fast the signals rotated around the head). When the first signals being applied, one of the researchers carried on casual conversation with response person, and a couple of minutes before the second signals applied, the person who was given the octopus stimulation was asked to describe any “image, idea, or hunch” that came to them. As they shared their inner dialog out loud, another researcher sat nearby and wrote it all down.

The particular signals were given in the order they were because experiments done, applying the signals in the opposite order (in the “God Helmet” experiments) didn’t produce the kinds effects being studied in this experiment, though it did produce a wide range of paranormal experiences.

The stimulus person, the one who was not receiving the octopus stimulation, was given an envelope containing a picture. The envelope had been chosen at random. They were told to think of the response person, and to write down what they thought they would think of the scene in the picture, and any experiences they had shared that would be most like the scene in the picture. While the stimulus person was going over their memories, the response person got octopus stimulation using a signal tailored from a chirp sequence.

The method was partly inspired by a previous experiment in which the content and themes of dreams matched the subjects of paintings viewed by another person during the first one’s REM sleep.

Out of the nine pairs, two didn’t say enough to be analyzed, so these were excluded. The comments of both the stimulus and the response person were typed up, making sure that all comments from the response person that contained the phrase “I see” or any of its variations were preserved.

A group of 44 raters was recruited to go over the comments and match the stimulus person’s comments with those of the response person. These had no other connection with the experiment, and didn’t know what we were studying in the experiment. Their job was to figure out which comments from one person were most likely to match comments from the other.

In addition to this, the values for geomagnetic activity were taken for each day of the experiment, and we eventually found that increased global geomagnetic activity was moderately correlated with accuracy.

Several results emerged. One that one of the modified chirp signals was more effective in eliciting mental images and visions.  Another was more effective for detailed visual imagery, and the comments of both the stimulus and the response person had a closer match on days of geomagnetic quiet.

The most effective configuration for generating similar comments was also the configuration that gave Ingo Swann the clearest remote viewing images in another experiment. In one instance, when he was exposed to the signal he could see the positions of the researchers in another room, which he experienced subjectively as a vision of their skeletons.

The results of this experiment showed that the degree of congruence or agreement between the comments of the stimulus person and those of the response person were significantly higher than chance alone would allow. The proportion of chance matches for the seven pairs of comments was 14 percent, while the students who served as raters were able to match 40 percent of them.

In addition, the paper discussed the implications of the binding factor for human consciousness, considering these results.

The Shiva System rotates magnetic signals around the head.

Booth JN, Charette JC, Persinger MA.Ranking of stimuli that evoked memories in significant others after exposure to circumcerebral magnetic fields: correlations with ambient geomagnetic activity.” Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2002 Oct;95(2):555-8.

This study replicates the results of the previous study, this time with 15 pairs of volunteers.

Richards MA, Koren SA, Persinger MA. “Circumcerebral application of weak complex magnetic fields with derivatives and changes in electroencephalographic power spectra within the theta range: implications for states of consciousness.” Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2002 Oct;95(2):671-86

Eight subjects received octopus stimulation while their brain activity was monitored through EEG.

The EEG samples were split into frequency ranges these were 3-4 Hz, 4-5 Hz, 5-6Hz, and so on – up to 9 Hz. The band of frequencies that was affected most was from 4 to 8 Hz. This is the range of neural activity classically associated with trances, and psychic perception, and altered states of consciousness.

The most powerful effect was from a modified chirp sequence which was maintained for 20 milliseconds longer over each successive location until it reached its longest duration, after which it abruptly returned to the first length. There were no significant links between the side of the brain, or a specific lobe, suggesting that the enhanced theta activity is a whole-brain phenomena. Interestingly, there were EEG changes when the fields were removed that were not like the ones before the experiment, or the ones derived during the experiment.

The most responsive band was between 5 and 5.9 Hz (lobe theta). This was most pronounced over the right hemisphere when any of the 6 configurations were used, though one of them elicited a more powerful response than the others.

This paper also discusses the association between theta activity and spatial perception, a function that strongly implicates the hippocampus on the right side. The paper even offers the hypothesis that hippocampal activity may be the only or sole source for theta activity in this specific range.

This experiment didn’t address any psychic phenomena. Rather, it established an empirical basis for the observation that the theta activity, elicited by the octopus may also be the underlying agent for the enhancement of psychic perception using the same equipment. Like much of the other work in this field, the signals were applied using a 20 msec time frame, which derives from the observation that the binding factor for human consciousness reappears at about this speed.

Persinger MA, Koren SA, Tsang EW. “Enhanced power within a specific band of theta activity in one person while another receives circumcerebral pulsed magnetic fields: a mechanism for cognitive influence at a distance?” Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2003 Dec;97(3 Pt 1):877-94.

This experiment used four pairs of adult siblings who volunteered to participate. One from each pair sat in share and received the octopus stimulation well seated in an acoustic chamber. The other from each pair sat blindfolded with earplugs. The one who was not receiving the octopus had their brain activity monitored using EEG.

One week later the same pairs return to the laboratory and repeated the procedure this time with the roles reversed.

The stimulus person, the one receiving the octopus stimulation was told to imagine that they were in the same room with their sibling, and actually touching them while they received the octopus stimulation.

The response person’s EEG monitoring sampled data from between .5 Hz and 35 Hz, and the session began by taking a sample before their partner began receiving octopus stimulation.  Their EEG data showed a significant increase in theta activity (between 5 and 6 Hz) over the frontal and occipital lobes.

When the two siblings changed places for the second session, the occipital lobes responded more than their partners had during the session the previous week. In those cases, it showed a significant increase between 6 and 8 Hz. It appears that the session the previous week may have “taught” them to be more receptive to the Octopus stimulation.

The most effective signals were those that changed their place every 20 or 100 msec. The brain can resonate in the Theta Range in response to the 20 msec rate of change.

During experiments in the second sessions, the subjects showed more response from the left parietal and right parietal lobes when the signals were 20 msec long and became 2 msec longer each time they were presented.

A great deal of the theta band’s total content comes from the hippocampus, whose role in spatial perception  implicates it in perceiving information at a distance.

The paper concludes with a brief mention of how we might affect one another with our thoughts or “focus” and a caution that there could even be an impact on a person’s health.

Tsang, EW, Koren SA, Persinger MA. “Power increases within the gamma range over the frontal and occipital regions during acute exposures to cerebrally counterclockwise rotating magnetic fields with specific derivatives of change.International Journal of Neuroscience. 2004 Sep;114(9):1183-93.

A total of 11 men and women were exposed for 5 min each to six different temporal configurations of pulsed magnetic fields that were delivered through serial activation of 8 solenoids in a counterclockwise direction around the head within the horizontal plane above the ears.

Eleven volunteers received five-minute sessions using the octopus. While they were receiving the sessions, their brain activity was monitored using EEG. The EEG gathered data from 5 to 45 Hz.

When the rate of change was reduced (from the speeds in previous studies) to 2 msec, there was a significant increase in the power of the Gamma range (35 to 45 Hz) monitored over the frontal and occipital lobes, but not the temporal or parietal lobes.

Taken together with other studies on this page, this one implies that the theta range of frequencies – the one most interesting to Shiva users – is more likely to be produced using one set of timings and speeds, while the Gamma Range, studied in this experiment, is more likely to be produced by another.

This technology succeeded in producing one range of brain activity in one circumstance, and different activity in another circumstance. This implies that the brain produces activity in specific frequencies (including those that are associated with trance, hypnosis, meditation, and relaxation) as it responds to specific stimuli from the Octopus stimulation.

Persinger, M.A., Saroka, K.S., Lavallee, C.F., Booth, J.N., Hunter, M.D., Mulligan, B.P., Koren, S.A., Wu, H.P. and Gang, N., 2010. “Correlated cerebral events between physically and sensory isolated pairs of subjects exposed to yoked circumcerebral magnetic fields.” Neuroscience Letters, 486(3), pp.231-234.

In this study, pairs of subjects were both given circumcerebral magnetic stimulation. One of them sat on one room with a flashing light. The other sat in a room without the flashing light, and was monitored using EEG (or quantitative EEG – QEEG – pronounced “queeg”). The EEG for subject in the second room responded in time to the flashing light that they couldn’t see. The EEG response happened in time with the light flashes. It implies that there is a neural mechanism that allows information to be transferred directly between brains.

“In three different experiments pairs of unrelated people sitting in two different rooms were exposed simultaneously to different rates of circumcerebral rotations of weak, complex magnetic fields in order to produce “dynamic similarity”. Quantitative electroencephalographic (QEEG) measurements were taken for one member of each pair in one room while the other sat in a closed chamber in another room and intermittently observed 5 Hz, 8 Hz, 10 Hz, or 15 Hz flashing lights. Reliable increases in QEEG power within specific frequencies over the right parietal region were observed during the similar-frequency light flashes when the shared temporal-spatial complexity of the circumcerebral rotating fields was based on 100 ms, the average duration of normal brain “microstates”. The development of this experimental procedure could facilitate rational understanding of this class of “coincidence” phenomena

To put this simply, two subjects who each received the Octopus stimulation, were put in separate rooms.  One of them sat in a darkened room, where there was a flashing light.  The other was also given EEG monitoring. When the light flashed for the first one, the EEG for the second one showed it.  The Octopus stimulation allowed these two brains to share information, in an elegant laboratory demonstration of telepathy.

Cook CM, Koren SA, Persinger MA.Subjective time estimation by humans is increased by counterclockwise but not clockwise circumcerebral rotations of phase-shifting magnetic pulses in the horizontal plane.” Neuroscience Letters. 1999 Jun 18;268(2):61-4.

This experiment worked with 14 volunteers who were told that they were participating in a relaxation experiment. They were given a stopwatch, and told to click it to start and then to stop it, ten seconds later, but without looking at the stopwatch. Each volunteer (who wore opaque goggles) did this twice.

While this was going on, the volunteers received circumcerebral Complex magnetic field Stimulation. Two signals were used. One of them was derived from amygdala firing, and the other was a modified “chirp” signal.

Half the volunteers received clockwise stimulation, while the other half received counterclockwise stimulation.

The counterclockwise group consistently estimated the time as longer than the clockwise group. The group receiving the counterclockwise stimulation estimated the time as much longer than the others. In one case, 10 seconds was drawn out to 15 seconds.

This was the first significant experiment with the octopus. It demonstrated a clear effect that derived from the fact that the “binding factor” for consciousness, which runs from the back of the head to the front, is refreshed every 20 msec. When the signals applied in this study were moved from one (solenoid) coil to the next at that same speed, the effect was pronounced. With the clockwise group, the signals were moving in the same direction as the “binding factor” over the right hemisphere, and were running in the opposite direction over the left.

As the stimulation reinforced “the binding factor” over the right, it disturbed it over the left. The left hemisphere is normally the dominant one. That’s where the language centers are found. Left hemispheric functions would have been perturbed more than right hemispheric functions, so right hemispheric activity would dominate the person state of consciousness. The right hemisphere is strongly implicated in trance states, all the way from Hypnosis to spirit possession.

As is often the case with this range of experiences, the ability to know how long it lasted is impaired. People failed to estimate the passage of time correctly in this study for much the same reason that people lose track of the time during altered state experiences.

Collins, Mark William Glister.Quantitative differences in participants exposed to patterned, weak-intensity electromagnetic fields: investigating the Shiva.PhD diss., Laurentian University of Sudbury, 2014.

“Results indicated that individuals exposed to specific patterned fields exhibited different patterns of neural activity and greater reports of unusual experiences compared to a sham condition. The importance of particular enhancement of power in regions of the brain due to the sequence of different patterns of magnetic fields was a key discovery.”

NOTE: The Shiva software contains instructions for stripping down your Shiva unit to an 8 Coil Shakti unit and also includes “Shakti For Windows”, the software that drives the 8 Coil Shakti.

Further Note:

The Shiva Neural Stimulation System also comes with software that allows you to do God Helmet sessions.


The Shiva System uses the same hardware as the God Helmet, and includes both softwares, so it can be set up and used as either system.

The Shiva System is $649.00 plus shipping
Shipping within the USA – $20.00
Shipping to all other countries – $40.00

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