Shiva System Testimonials, Reviews & User reports.

Magnetic signals rotate around the head.
The Shiva Neural Stimulation
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Shiva Neural System testimonials, User Reports, and Reviews.
(Edited for grammar and spelling)  Individual results may vary.*

There is a wide range of spiritual and psychic phenomena reported from this technology, as you can see from the testimonials below. One source of variation lies in the different kinds of spiritual practices people do, like prayer, meditation, and mental exercises for things like lucid dreaming, remote viewing, visualizations, etc. These can combine with Shiva to amplify and direct it’s many possible effects. If there is a specific phenomenon you want to experience, combine regular use of the Shiva System with daily “inner work” towards that goal. Questions are welcome. Some reports come from people who have no spiritual practice at all.

“I kind of drifted off into a twilight dream state during the first 15-20 approximately. After that I came back to waking awareness. Immediately after the session I had a very deep sense of calm and the peace which passeth understanding.” (Persinger Session) *

Session was Wednesday, today is Saturday and the effects are very good.

“I have learned to “switch” from my normal consciousness state (lots of thinking, attention distracted or absorbed in work or other interactions) to a different state (greatly reduced verbal thinking, being “awake” and aware of everything that goes through my mind). It really switches and I am getting better to do this deliberately. It works currently only when I am alone (no distractions, no need to use my social self). It has even physical effects. I walk slowly in awareness. It is beautiful and gets in the direction of what I experienced on that Christmas day.

On top of this, I had an experience of brief non-conceptuality yesterday during meditation. It was like trying to imagine what a very young child must experience, having all the sensual impact but not yet any concepts/conditioning about anything. It didn’t last long but was really fabulous. Everything I experienced was just there, nothing more. I will try to go further in this direction. This also was beautiful.” (amygdala and hippocampus – “special architecture”).*


“I just wanted to let you know that I had a spectacular albeit short session last night (unfortunately interrupted prematurely after 10 or so minutes) mind/ head clear, expanded filled with light. visuals during session. powerful dreams following.” (Persinger Session). *


” … I  ran the Published Studies session and Persinger session back to back yesterday and last week. I know it wasn’t advised, but I’ve been handling it. Psychic skills are being trained I can attest. Insignificant thoughts during the day turn out to come true. Subtle things. Feel my brain more “electrically charged” after sessions. Definitely makes my sleep different. Like I’m floating in and out of different states of consciousness I’ve never been in before. ” *


“… yesterday I have for the first time tried the “amygdala (L) and hippocampus (R) – special architecture” session for the first time (30 min, 65% volume). The effect was profound: my meditation is deep and long and I have more joy, love and happiness, at the same time I am calm and insightful. Colors seem to be strong and I respond well to light. When I meditate outside, the clouds with the sunshine coming through make me sit in awe.” *


“I’ve owned the Shiva headset for four years and it has worked perfectly every time I use it.
The circumcerebral (around the head) stimulation mutes my yammering monkey-mind and allows me to delve very deep into my essence.” *


“The first thing that immediately happened is vivid and lucid dreams. I can go to bed and control my dreams. Furthermore, I can wake up at night 7 times and 7 times return to the same dream if I wish. It is something I have never experienced before. As a result, when I started to use the device, I slept a lot, because these dreams were a new experience for me.”*


Did a session; incredible! Remove(d) all background garbage and clears channels ([I could] see the negative entities) so i can focus on letting go. (Persinger Session)*

“After I’d been  using the Persinger Session for a few weeks, it happened that my wife took my daughter to the doctor (last Sunday), and I found I could see him using remote viewing. I was able to describe him in detail; hair color, face shape, age, body type and the color he was wearing. I’ve also started to complete people’s sentences and even make their sentences before they spoke them.  One guy even thought I had ESP.”  (Persinger Session)


“… I noticed that I was remembering my dreams almost every night (unusual for me) and waking up with insight into complicated situations and improved creativity.”  (Persinger Session).* (03-08-2022)

My experience, different from anything I have seen in the past was, floating at eye level with clouds, warm sunset glow on clouds, purples, blues, pinks and whites. Golden sphere type object with a streak of golden light following behind coming at me up and down, almost a majestic movement. …  I felt it was of a friendly, intelligent, playful nature. I think there was some love involved towards me from the object.” (Persinger Session)*


“I’ve had vivid detailed dreams of past events that occurred just the way I dreamt of them. I’ve also had extreme and precise intuition. I think a thing and a few seconds later it happens, just as it happened in my thoughts. I’ve had dreams about things that happened to other people, and when I described the dream to them they’re amazed that I know so many details of an event that only they could know about.” (Session not specified.) *

I already feel the amplified effects of the Shiva (system) in my nonverbal meditation; hearing has become more spacious, more fluid and more balanced. (Session not specified.) *

A deep sense of relaxation, a release of decades of old exhaustion, went down the back of my head and reached into my heart. I had decided for the standard Persinger session with default settings. And man, was that impressive for a first taste of what is planned to become a weekly spiritual practice. The rest of the day was productive, easy in a lighthearted way.


I really like the Amygdala simple signal. Really turns down the volume on the fear in my brain and it somehow makes doing housework/ cleaning a whole lot easier for me. *
My eyes were closed and sometimes I saw some colors and shapes, it was very interesting.
I must have fallen asleep and in my dream I was walking with 2 friends to see a car show and we were there and saw the show. After that we went to our car and on the way there I thought ‘I’m still wearing the Shiva headset and everyone can see that’. So I grabbed my head and the Shiva headset was really there. It’s really phenomenal, it seems like a mix of dream and reality happened. I had another dream, where a beautiful woman I didn’t know walked by my side. And then something incredible happened. I got such an intense feeling of endless happiness, love and peace. I can only describe it as divine. It wasn’t a man’s feeling for a woman, it was very different and extremely intense.
Then the woman looked at me and took my hand, and then I woke up with this incredible feeling of happiness. (Persinger Session)*


The Shiva System uses the same hardware as the God Helmet, and includes both softwares, so it can be set up and used as either system.

The Shiva System is $649.00 plus shipping
Shipping within the USA – $20.00
Shipping to all other countries – $40.00

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In the USA, you can order by calling 24/7  (Toll-Free)
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Shiva does not prevent, diagnose or treat any medical disorders.








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