Research Using The Whissell Dictionary of Affect in Language.

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Research Using The Whissell Dictionary of Affect in Language.

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Reyes, A., Rosso, P. and Buscaldi, D., 2012. “From humor recognition to irony detection: The figurative language of social media.Data & Knowledge Engineering74, pp.1-12

Whissell, C., “According to Their Emotional Plots, the Iliad is Most Likely Tragic While the Odyssey Is Not.”  Athens Journal of Philology – Volume 6, Issue 1, 2019 – Pages 53-64

Gallino, L., Carrillo, F. and Cecchi, G.A., 2019. “Differential 28-days cyclic modulation of affective intensity in female and male participants via social media“. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience13.

Iserman, M., Nalabandian, T. and Ireland, M., 2019, June. “Dictionaries and Decision Trees for the 2019 CLPsych Shared Task.” In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (pp. 188-194).

Hancock, J.T., Woodworth, M.T. and Porter, S., 2013. “Hungry like the wolf: A word‐pattern analysis of the language of psychopaths“. Legal and criminological psychology18(1), pp.102-114. 

Whissell C., “Using the Revised Dictionary of Affect in Language to quantify the emotional undertones of samples of natural language.” Psychology Reports. 2009 Oct;105(2):509-21. 

Richards PM, Persinger MA, Koren SA. “Modification of activation and evaluation properties of narratives by weak complex magnetic field patterns that simulate limbic burst firing.” International Journal of Neuroscience. 1993 Jul-Aug;71(1-4):71-85.  

Churchill DR, Persinger MA, Thomas AW. “Geophysical variables and behavior: LXXVII. Increased geomagnetic activity and decreased pleasantness of spontaneous narratives for percipients but not agents.Perceptual and Motor Skills. 1994 Aug;79(1 Pt 2):387-92. 

Sweeney, Kevin, and Cynthia Whissell. “A dictionary of affect in language: I. Establishment and preliminary validation.” Perceptual and motor skills 59.3 (1984): 695-698.

Whissell, Cynthia, et al. “A dictionary of affect in language: IV. Reliability, validity, and applications.” Perceptual and Motor Skills 62.3 (1986): 875-888.

Whissell, Cynthia M., and Helen Berezowski. “A Dictionary of Affect in Language: V. What is an emotion?.” Perceptual and motor skills 63.3 (1986): 1156-1158.

Fournier, M., Dewson, M. and Whissell, C., 1986. The dictionary of affect in language: VI.“Sensationalism” defined in terms of affective tonePerceptual and motor skills63(3), pp.1073-1074.

Whissell, Cynthia M. “The dictionary of affect in language, Emotion: Theory, Research and Experience: vol. 4, The Measurement of Emotions, R.” Plutchik and H. Kellerman, Eds., New York: Academic (1989).

Whissell, Cynthia M. “A computer program for the objective analysis of style and emotional connotations of prose: Hemingway, Galsworthy, and Faulkner compared.” Perceptual and Motor Skills 79.2 (1994): 815-824.

Whissell, Cynthia. “Readers’ opinions of romantic poetry are consistent with emotional measures based on the Dictionary of Affect in Language.” Perceptual and motor skills 96.3 (2003): 990-992.






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