SHAKTI - The Experimental Neuromagnetic Signal Generator.

Shakti does not diagnose or treat medical disorders.

What is Shakti?

SHAKTI is a spiritual technology.

Shakti is the latest generation of a technology developed at Laurentian University's Behavioral Neurosciences Program, under the direction of Dr. Michael A. Persinger. In laboratory settings, this class of technology had succeeded in inducing experiences that people call religious, spiritual, or mystical. This refers to deep states of relaxation as well as 'visions' enhancements in dreaming, and a whole range of such 'special' experiences.

Click HERE to learn more about how Shakti works.

CLICK HERE To Read the "WIRED" article "This is your Brain On God", about his experience with complex magnetic signal technology.


Yes. Research. You are encouraged to submit reports of your experiences to the inventor who in turn, will submit them to a university research group. Tech support e-mails, and other correspondence are also submitted. There is a form you are encouraged to fill out that will allow you to submit a questionnaire. This questionnaire will provide a pre-Shakti neural profile that will add to both the research potential for the Shakti Helmet, as well as facilitating your tech support.

READ reports of successful Shakti experiences.


Click HERE to learn more about how Shakti works, and to access the page where you order Shakti.

Shakti (and it's predecessors) rely on a simple idea. It started with two EEG (electroencephalograph) signals taken from parts of the brain that are known to be involved in religious experiences (the amygdala and the hippocampus). These two structures turn out to be where the seizures begin in epileptics who had blissful or visionary seizures (not a common type of seizure, but it does exist).

These EEG signals were converted into data files, and eventually into audio files, and from there, to a CD or a sound card.

Instead of being played through speakers or headphones, they are 'played' through a set of magnetic coils.

Their magnetic signals 'match' the electrical signals from the structures you're working with. As a Shakti session proceeds, these structures become more and more active. For most people, 10 minutes later, they start to feel something. Half an hour into the session, that feeling becomes stronger, and it begins to take over the person's experience.

When the session reaches an hour, we stop. After that, we wait at least one week.


That depends on how much care YOU put into it. Both of the brain parts we work with have two sides. One in the left hemisphere, and one in the right hemisphere. If one on one side is pleasant, the one on the other side will be unpleasant. To make Shakti safe FOR YOU, you will have to be sure you're not 'left-handed' with regard to either of these structures. We have two tests for this. One can be done before you receive Shakti, and consists of two imaginative exercises. The other can only be done after you've received Shakti.

To do this test Using Shakti, you apply each wave form to both sides of the head, one at a time. You do 10 minutes with ONE wave form on one side, and then the same wave form on the other side. Then, one chooses the more pleasant side, and runs a session on that side for about 20 minutes. If you decide to participate, you'll have to do these tests. People who have one structure 'reversed' usually find out at this point.

Which Brain structures does Shakti work with?

Shakti's wave forms are specific to the amygdala and the hippocampus, two limbic structures. We apply the amygdaloid wave form to the dominant hemisphere (that usually means the left side), and the hippocampal wave form to the non-dominant side (usually the right side). Getting Shakti to wok for you will require you to test yourself in a couple of ways. The amygdala is an emotional structure, and its positive emotions have to do with its activity on the left side. The hippocampus is a cognitive structure, and its positive ways of thinking have to do with activity on the right side.


Not in the normal sense of the word, but the process is non-linear. When we stimulate a brain part using this technology, we increase its activity. For the two structures we're working with, that's a good thing. However, these two structures are interconnected with many other parts of the brain. It takes time (six weeks with one 20 to 60 minute session per week) for the other parts to catch up to the two Shakti works with. Recent changes in the Shakti signals have made this a fairly smooth process, although some participants have mentioned having 'off' days.

Most commonly, these phases happen from the fourth to the seventh days after a session, and most commonly during the second and fifth weeks.


Update: Over 120 people are now using Shakti

Hundreds have had single, longer sessions like the ones we're talking about here. and dozens have been through series of sessions. Most of them were experiencing the first generation of this technology. There are no plans, at present to do widespread testing for Shakti for its spiritual uses except for this online experiment.

What's happened so far?

Over 120 people have obtained Shakti. Shakti has emerged as safe, when used according to instructions, and if you use the available tech support.

READ reports of successful Shakti experiences.

The Shakti Helmet  

This is the first generatio of the headset that turns your windows audio signals into magnetic signals.

Free Registration for the Shakti Software (more signals, function generator, preset session lengths, alternative hardware options.

You will have the support of the inventor as you use Shakti. If you use windows, you will also be entitled to free registration for a software that will give you a wide range of alternate signals. Newer signals will be made available as they are developed. This software is obtained through download, and is expected to expand over time. There is no Macintosh or Linux versions of this software at this time. The software will give you instructions for do-it-yourself construction of other headsets.

Shakti is still developing. Cool and interesting stuff happens all the time. The goal is to find the procedures that will make Shakti work for each human brain, and that includes yours. Each brain is different, so no guarantees can be made to any individual.