Experimental Spiritual Technology using magnetic signals.

Shakti does not diagnose or treat medical disorders

To use Shakti effectively, you need to understand something about the brain.

You don't need to understand all of it, just a bit.

You need to understand how two parts of the limbic system work together, the amygdala and the hippocampus.

You have two of each, one on each side.

The AMYGDALA is an emotional structure.

On the one side, it supports a broad range of negative emotions, most importantly fear (along with many other functions).

On the other side, it supports a broad range of positive emotions, such as elation (along with many other functions).

The Hippocampus is a cognitive, or 'thinking' structure.

On the one side, it supports silent, non-verbal ways of thinking, positive thoughts and expectations, spatial perceptions, and several kinds of inner imaging, including imagination, visualization, and pictorial memories (along with many other functions).

On the other side, it supports verbal skills, negative thoughts and expectations, and logical thought (along with many other functions).

Each of these structures has a signal that belongs only to it. The two signals appear on an EEG (An electroencephalograph. The signals that come out of these are also called 'brain waves'.)

An EEG signal is a record of an electrical signal. Shakti begins when these EEG signals are converted into magnetic signals.

The magnetic signals are applied to the head at very low strength (close to what comes out of a telephone receiver when you're holding it next to your ear.) The signals are short bursts, followed by intervals of silence.

Each signal speaks a language that only one brain structure understands.

So only the one brain part responds. It communicates with other parts, of course, and they, in turn, also start responding.

You have two hippocampus(s) and two amygdala(e), one on each side of the brain.

Shakti is applied using the structures own signal, but only over the side of the head where it supports something positive.

As these structures respond, they put the person in a positive altered state of consciousness.

Shakti uses two wave forms at once. They're taken from the amygdala and the hippocampus, and they activate these two structures, as well as areas that are naturally connected to them.

Like Shakti (Irregular Bursts)

The Shakti wave forms are irregular. Their shapes can't be expressed with a frequency.

Not like Shakti


The Hippocampus is a cognitive structure, and only one (on one side of the brain) supports positive thoughts and expectations

The amygdala is an emotional structure, and only one (on one side of the brain) supports positive emotions.

Even though we are applying the wave forms "symmetrically" (one on each side at the same time), your brain probably doesn't work symmetrically. For example, if you have low self-esteem, you probably use one side more. If you're prone to irritability, you might be more active on the other side. If you're very emotional, your amygdala's activity might offset your hippocampal activity a bit. If you think in pictures, you might have a busy hippocampus on one side. If you think in words, yours might be busier on the other.

Shakti will increase the activity in the target structures, from whatever baseline you normally have there.

The things that affect the way individual brains respond to Shakti often relate to long standing, even lifetime, personality traits. If either of the target structures has a history of low activity, Shakti might produce quite a marked experience for the person.

What you experience depends on who you are and how you choose to use Shakti.

If you want to try to have intense experiences, you do one-hour sessions, no more than one every three weeks. These sessions need sensory deprivation, including silence and darkness.


If you want to try to have spiritual transformations, you use Shakti once a week, for 30 minutes at a time, for six weeks. Then, you stop your sessions for three weeks.


You use shakti once
every three days, three times, before stopping for three weeks.

There are two things that you need to know about Shakti before you buy one.


You need to test yourself so you don't put either of the signals on the wrong side.

Click HERE to learn more.


You need to know that repeated sessions, like the series intended to facilitate spiritual growth, can involve some unpleasant feelings. This effect, called 'metabolic snapback' is rare and temporary, and can be avoided in many cases.

Click HERE to learn more.

What's happened so far?

Over 120 people have obtained Shakti. Shakti has emerged as safe, when used according to instructions, and if you use the available tech support. Now, the research based on reports is focused on making it equally effective for each person.

READ reports of successful Shakti experiences.