The Experimental Neuromagnetic Signal Generator.

Shakti does not diagnose or treat medical disorders.

Doing Sessions Every 72 Hours

Series of sessions done every three days are repeated three times only. After three of these sessions, stop. You can begin again safely after a three-week break. This break is suggested as a safety precaution. Please do not fail to observe it.

Doing your sessions in series can help you retain what your consciousness has learned from them.


The falloff for single sessions and for ordinary learning are the same.


  Sessions done every three days are are less well-tested than those done less often, but preliminary reports support the principles on which the once-every-72-hours session design is based.

The effects of Shakti sessions are 'forgotten' after about three days. The closest model in neuroscience are the processes that operate in learning and memory.

If the sessions are repeated before the fourth day, not only will the effects be reinforced, but
metabolic snapback (see the page for weekly sessions) will not happen in most cases. With only a very few exceptions, it begins four days after the second, third, and fifth sessions, when it happens at all.
Fewer people have done sessions every three days than have done so once a week, but so far, the results are good.

Due to the current state of scientific knowledge, the possibility of unexpected effects remains open.
  Doing sessions every three days is time-sensitive. If you miss a session, stop for three weeks, and then try again. Doing sessions every four or five days have been seen to be less effective, and more likely to elicit snapback.