The Experimental Neuromagnetic Signal Generator.

Shakti does not diagnose or treat medical disorders

There are several ways to use Shakti.

(Click on each to learn more):

1) To try to create an intense experience in ONE session.

2) To try to create a spiritual change through a series of sessions.

3) Consciousness exploration

This process has few, if any, side effects.

This requires sensory deprivation, and is better done at night. Allow three weeks between sessions.

This process has uncomfortable, but temporary, side-effects when sessions are done once a week. Sessions done every three days seems to avoid this, but are not as well understood. Sessions done on other schedules are not suggested

Click HERE to learn more.

If you have a PC running windows, you'll have acess to software that will add to your repertiore of signals. You can apply the various signals for different effects, and repeat the ones you like.

First, a word of caution: NEVER do the same session two days in a row. Daily sessions have been found to be less effective than weekly sessions, and negative effects have been reported.

1) To try to create an intense experience in ONE session using Shakti.

To use Shakti this way, you set up a dark and silent space. Use a blindfold and earplugs or one of those headsets that block out sound. Put on the headset ( at least a week after doing ALL the tests) and 'play' Shakti for one full hour. Make sure no one interrupts you session, and don't make any plans to do anything afterwards. Instead, take time to relax and pay attention to yourself. Taking time to look at the question "how am I feeling now?" is an important part of the Shakti process, and you will be asked some questions later on about how you're doing with it.

This way of using Shakti is based on the desire to have an intense experience. Sixty minute sessions should
NOT be repeated any more often than once in three (3) weeks. More frequent than that, and you open the possibility of creating long-term effects. The longer duration of this session makes it difficult to control it's effects, so even though this kind of session can be very pleasant, it's not wise to do them often.

This is one of the safest ways of using Shakti, because single sessions don't have lasting after-effects, unless they're repeated. If you do one session, and then you're thinking about doing another, you'll want to know that whatever state of consciousness you were in will becomes more available if you choose to repeat the session on a weekly basis, but only if you follow through with a full series of six (once per week.)

2) To try to create a spiritual change through a series of sessions using Shakti.

A) Using Shakti in a series of three sessions, once per week

This is a newer result, and the research paper is still in preparation.

According to these results, three sessions, once a week, yielded the most conspicuous improvement in emotional state. The metabolic snapback process can still happen. Here it would manifest as a pleasant week following the first session, less pleasant following the second, and more pleasant following the third. After a series of three sessions, STOP using Shakti for at least three weeks.

B) Using Shakti in a series of six thirty (30) minute sessions, once per week.

In laboratory experiments with Shakti's predecessor, A series of six sessions was enough to create improvement in moods. However, during the process, subjects found that their moods actually got worse before they got better. It's called "metabolic Snapback". While it's happening, the person may experience 'bursts' of irritability and/or anxiety, though usually not more intense than they would normally experience. Not everyone goes through it, and just knowing it can happen can help a person 'process' it responsibly. And, because the Hippocampus supports our looking at our own inner states, Shakti sessions can help the person to see their own thoughts and emotions more clearly. After a series of six sessions, STOP using Shakti for at least three weeks.

As Shakti stimulates the PLEASANT amygdala, it also makes changes in the nearby frontal frontal and temporal lobes. These same areas of the brain on the UNPLEASANT side are much slower to 'tune' themselves to the amygdala than the amygdala is to 'tune' itself to it's own pleasant side.

It would be nice if our old neural patterns slowly and gracefully melted away under Shakti's influence. But it doesn't work that way.

Each time the structures we work with are resisted from the opposite side in this way, the person will experience something negative.

Until the thresholds for the structures Shakti works with are lower than the ones for the same structures on the other side of the brain, it still hasn't done it's job.

The pathways most likely to snapback will be the ones with the lowest thresholds; the habituated ones; the ones that relate to your lifetime history of negativity, both emotional and cognitive.

The areas that snapback during your session series will be the ones that will have less control after your sessions are finished.

....And THAT's how Shakti transforms consciousness.

While the brain is re-adjusting itself, there is a process called 'metabolic snapback' that happens. It's not pleasant, and in many cases, it can be intense. It's the principle 'side-effect' of Shakti when it's used repeatedly.

Here's how this works:

Each of the structures we work with is connected to many other parts of the brain, most importantly some areas on the surface.

The target structures are getting more active, but the places they're connected to are still going to be working at their old levels.

Shakti only activates two structures, and until they have been exposed enough, the other structures they connect to will tend to pull them back to their old levels.

It's as though the rest of the brain has to 'tune' itself to the new setup for the limbic system. While this is happening, brain activity can 'snap back' to the structures on the opposite side of the brain. When this is happening, you can feel pretty bad.

When the amygdala is snapping back, you might feel anxious (especially if you have a history of anxiety)

When the hippocampus is snapping back, you might feel irritable (especially if you have a history of irritability).

A LOT depends to what you are prone to.

Consciousness Exploration.

The Shakti Helmet can be used to apply a variety of signals. It's left/right configurability and the full range of available signals allows you to explore many states of consciousness. The software (Shakti - [windows only] - free registration with purchase of helmet) allows you a wide range signal choices. Upgrading the software will let you experience this line of research as it grows.

Click HERE to learn more about metabolic snapback.

E.W. Tsang, M.A. Persinger., S.A. Koren "Alterations of Affective and Autonomic Responses With Transcerebral Complex Magnetic Fields: Daily Versus Weekly Schedule (in preparation)